The original food together is tonic

You are very "love" to eat, but not necessarily "will" eat. Some foods are well matched, not only to provide the body with the necessary energy, but also has a unique health care and adjuvant therapy.

Today, I will introduce several kinds of diet food, see if you eat right?

1, chicken + chestnuts supplementation, suitable for people with anemia

Principle: chicken for hematopoietic products, chestnuts focus on the spleen. Chestnut roasted chicken is not only delicious, hematopoietic function stronger, especially the mother chicken roasted chestnuts better.

Recommended practice: chicken stew chestnuts

2, duck + yam for constitutional weakness

Principle: Duck Yin, and anti-heat cough. Yam Yin stronger role, and ducks with food, can eliminate greasy, and can well fill the lungs.

Recommended practice: duck burnt yam

3, sesame + seaweed beauty, anti-aging

Principle: Sesame can improve blood circulation, promote metabolism, lower cholesterol. Kelp is rich in iodine and calcium, can purify the blood and promote thyroid hormone synthesis. Same beauty with food, anti-aging effect is better.

4, tofu + radish benefit digestion

Principle: tofu is rich in plant protein, spleen and stomach weak people will cause indigestion. Radish has a strong digestive capacity, cook with tofu nutrition can be a lot of absorption.

5, egg + lily Ziyin Runzao, pure heart and sootheth

Principle: Lily can clear phlegm fire, fill wasting, and the egg yolk can remove annoying fever, fill the Yin and blood, with the food can be better pure heart yin yang.

Recommended practice: lily egg syrup

6, lean meat and garlic to promote blood circulation, eliminate physical fatigue and enhance physical fitness

Principle: Lean meat contains vitamin B1, combined with allicin garlic, vitamin B1 can not only increase the amount of precipitation, prolonging the residence time of vitamin B1 in the human body, but also promote blood circulation and eliminate physical fatigue as soon as possible and enhance physical fitness.

Recommended practice: lean meat fried garlic

7, pork + sauerkraut intestinal fluid

Principle: Pork nutritious with protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, B vitamins, with nourishing yin and stomach, clearing the lungs and blood, diuretic, swelling effect.

Sauerkraut with vitamins A, B, C, D, with appetizers, belch, bactericidal, cold pain effect.

8, cabbage + shrimp laxative in addition to prevent bleeding gums

Principle: shrimp high protein, low fat, calcium, phosphorus content is high. Chinese cabbage has a higher nutritional value, eat cabbage can prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, colon cancer and other diseases. Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, which can effectively prevent bleeding gums and scurvy, antipyretic effect An oil vaporizer runs on oil vape pen battery which needs charging. Now imagine one that takes long hour to pre-heat! Isn\'t that irritating? So, it\'s always better to buy an from reputed online sites!.