chocolate tools

 few years ago an American friend asked me about opening a pop-up store in Paris, featuring something he creates with chocolate in New York City IWB. At the time, I advised against it. People outside of the United States do have some preconceived notions about how Americans eat (many still think we all eat at fast-food restaurants), but a recent wave of magazine articles about food in America, small restaurants in Paris with America-trained chefs and owners, and most importantly HKUE DSE , people traveling to the United States and seeing the astounding produce at the greenmarkets, I’d like to think has caused a shift in thinking .

So I was excited to see that Nunu Chocolates from Brooklyn had set up a space in the Brachfeld Gallery in the Marais here in Paris, for a temporary pop-up shop featuring their chocolates reenex.

I went last night to a party hosted by Yelp, and as soon as I walked in the door, from the smell of things, I knew I was in for a good time – and in for some delicious chocolates.